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Frequently Asked Questions
Sometimes what makes a goal meaningful in it’s pursuit is how difficult the journey is it is to arrive at the destination. The state of self realization as described in Eastern traditions, such as Hinduism & Buddhism, seems to be a beautiful goal. While some may find this to be an impractical or an impossible task, through my personal experiences working with teachers who have attained at some stages or who have touched the state of Nirvana for a short while, I’m inclined to believe that it is indeed possible to attain in this lifetime. Through transmissions I’ve touched states that were on a lower strata of that vibrational scale. To ascend higher on that vibrational scale would require a level of stillness & reverence I’ve not yet released towards.
What makes this imperciveable goal reasonable to me are the mechanics of the goal itself. By aligning myself with the highest possible aspirations for this frequency of mind, it increases my ability to comprehend the vibrational scale & adjustments I would need to get there. Even if I don’t go through the entire journey in my lifetime, the pursuit itself is fundamentally will underlie my peak life experiences through the act of mindful living and meditation. At the very least, it is functioning as an analogy for, “shooting for the stars” where the lowest you can end up is on a cloud.
As a teacher, this means for me to experiment, explore, and give my best to those who wish to learn or work with me. While I am far from perfect & never will be, having access to spiritual transmissisons allows me to be a conduit for those who want to touch these vibrational states to verify the path for themselves. None of my teachers are perfect, and neither am I. Having touched these energies, I am able to better understand the causation of my actions & have an intuitive sense of structuring my life to ascend the vibrational scale of non-dual light. It is like if someone had never had an apple before. If you didn’t have access to apples, you would only have a mere description of it or other things that you could relate it to. If you’ve never had an apple before, you may not know what you are looking for. If you have have a teacher to show you , “ this is an apple, here is what it tastes like. Here’s what it feels like.” Then you can intuitively find yourself understanding it thenon.
For society at large, this makes me consider the possibility of allowing more people the opportunity to attain. While release from the burdens of life & attainment of subtler energetic states is the goal of many religions, society cannot function without individuals fulfilling different rules and functioning to sustain the paradigm. Requiring a governance & society 100% necessary, and it is a luxury of our historically very recent prosperity globally that many of us are able to consider alternatives individually. Unless we have some exponential progress in brain-interface technology in technical prowess and eocnonomical scalibility, it is improbable everyone will have the opportunity to attain the loftiest of states in human experience. Until that hypothetical scenario is achieved, the masses of people will not have the opportunity for self-actualization unless they can make themselves financially independent & place themselves in an enviroment ripe for practice (ie: a high-level practitioner’s community, a forest, the mountains, a cave).
Some of my leading questions for this challenging problem–– How can I provide frameworks for financial independence so that people can dedicate themselves more to practice? What can I do to make the information I receive around the process of self-realziation as simple & digestible as possible, so that a 10 year old in Spain who speaks English as a second language & my 85 year old grandma can understand? What can I do to get the least in the way of people’s progress as they gain momentum on their journey? How do I teach/share in the least hierarchical way possible, so that all connections with students are at the same level & as a round table? How do I stay within my ethics as to not teach what I don’t know, but remain open as a medium for new information to flow through? How do I through humility allow myself to make mistakes openly without allowing that to denigrate the perception of the teachings? How do I surrender aspects of my personality that are not in alignment with my ascention path?

This question is relating to the ever-shifting function of my path of service. For some time, I spent as a media trainer, then a crypto video creator, and now as a meditation teacher through my current apprenticeship.
What does self-actualization mean in this context? For this, I make a distinction between self-actualization & self-realization. Self realization relating to something far more metaphysical & in interconnected into a frequency of energy that regulates & becomes an alpha tuning fork of resonance for my life spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Self-actualization, on the other hand, is more about maximizing the quality & quantity of peak experiences I have in my life. Maslow’s Hiearchy of needs comes into play.
On a larger level, I am interested in what can society do & facilitate so that the majority of people can lead self-actualized lives, while maintaining the civil infrastructure. We can’t have mailmen, disposal workers, or doctors dropping out of society, so what can we do to help people lead self-actualized lives? What collective & individual goals need to fundamentally change for that to be the case?
What makes this imperciveable goal reasonable to me are the mechanics of the goal itself. By aligning myself with the highest possible aspirations for this frequency of mind, it increases my ability to comprehend the vibrational scale & adjustments I would need to get there. Even if I don’t go through the entire journey in my lifetime, the pursuit itself is fundamentally will underlie my peak life experiences through the act of mindful living and meditation. At the very least, it is functioning as an analogy for, “shooting for the stars” where the lowest you can end up is on a cloud.
As a teacher, this means for me to experiment, explore, and give my best to those who wish to learn or work with me. While I am far from perfect & never will be, having access to spiritual transmissisons allows me to be a conduit for those who want to touch these vibrational states to verify the path for themselves. None of my teachers are perfect, and neither am I. Having touched these energies, I am able to better understand the causation of my actions & have an intuitive sense of structuring my life to ascend the vibrational scale of non-dual light. It is like if someone had never had an apple before. If you didn’t have access to apples, you would only have a mere description of it or other things that you could relate it to. If you’ve never had an apple before, you may not know what you are looking for. If you have have a teacher to show you , “ this is an apple, here is what it tastes like. Here’s what it feels like.” Then you can intuitively find yourself understanding it thenon.
For society at large, this makes me consider the possibility of allowing more people the opportunity to attain. While release from the burdens of life & attainment of subtler energetic states is the goal of many religions, society cannot function without individuals fulfilling different rules and functioning to sustain the paradigm. Requiring a governance & society 100% necessary, and it is a luxury of our historically very recent prosperity globally that many of us are able to consider alternatives individually. Unless we have some exponential progress in brain-interface technology in technical prowess and eocnonomical scalibility, it is improbable everyone will have the opportunity to attain the loftiest of states in human experience. Until that hypothetical scenario is achieved, the masses of people will not have the opportunity for self-actualization unless they can make themselves financially independent & place themselves in an enviroment ripe for practice (ie: a high-level practitioner’s community, a forest, the mountains, a cave).
Some of my leading questions for this challenging problem–– How can I provide frameworks for financial independence so that people can dedicate themselves more to practice? What can I do to make the information I receive around the process of self-realziation as simple & digestible as possible, so that a 10 year old in Spain who speaks English as a second language & my 85 year old grandma can understand? What can I do to get the least in the way of people’s progress as they gain momentum on their journey? How do I teach/share in the least hierarchical way possible, so that all connections with students are at the same level & as a round table? How do I stay within my ethics as to not teach what I don’t know, but remain open as a medium for new information to flow through? How do I through humility allow myself to make mistakes openly without allowing that to denigrate the perception of the teachings? How do I surrender aspects of my personality that are not in alignment with my ascention path?

This is a layered question of energy economy. At any given time, we choose what our biggest priorities are by how we spend our time. We can spend time going through someone else’s desire’s for us–– our friends, family, the daily news vying for our attention, instagram & internet celebrities creating beef with eachother for higher Click-Through-Rates (CTR) , work organizaitons, political causes, and the marketing that’s driven 1000s of messages daily into our brains by the time we gained consciousness. Our environment, our beliefs, and the messages we receive on a daily basis are what consitutie the majority of who we are. After traveling through 30 different countries, it become highly evident to me that people are products of their environment, inside & out. If those enivorments they are in are energy conducive to their life goals, such as a burgeoning biomedical scientist who lives in San Diego, a larger amount of their day is going to be constituent & in alignment to their chosen trajectory. If someone is living in the Marshall Islands, and they desire to be a hollywood actor in their heart of hearts, they are not in alignment with their goals & will suffer from the mismatch.
Here’s an example from a blog I enjoy Whatbutwhy.com–––Lets say you sleep 8 hours a night, so you have 16 hours a day that you are awake. If we were to divide that 16 hours into 10 minute blocks, we would end up with 96 blocks of time. So roughly, if we thought of our lives in this way, are we living optimally towards our highest aspirations?
Here is an example of looking at your day as 100 blocks of time. You can see that there is plenty that you can get done if you prioritze well.
Let’s see how that adds up over a week––
Over a week, you will have ~700 blocks of time that you can fill. Of course some of that time will be used to do essentials, like brushing your teeth, eating, and doing your daily commute. But knowing this, you can give yourself a more realistic appraisal ang gauge for the amount of productivity you can get done in a given week. We could extrapolate & show how this looks over months or years, but it is self explanatory at this point.
So in sum, here are some leading sub questions for this category––
What are my highest goals? What are my highest aspirations? Is what I am doing right now working towards those aspirations?
What does self-actualization mean in this context? For this, I make a distinction between self-actualization & self-realization. Self realization relating to something far more metaphysical & in interconnected into a frequency of energy that regulates & becomes an alpha tuning fork of resonance for my life spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Self-actualization, on the other hand, is more about maximizing the quality & quantity of peak experiences I have in my life. Maslow’s Hiearchy of needs comes into play.
On a larger level, I am interested in what can society do & facilitate so that the majority of people can lead self-actualized lives, while maintaining the civil infrastructure. We can’t have mailmen, disposal workers, or doctors dropping out of society, so what can we do to help people lead self-actualized lives? What collective & individual goals need to fundamentally change for that to be the case?
What makes this imperciveable goal reasonable to me are the mechanics of the goal itself. By aligning myself with the highest possible aspirations for this frequency of mind, it increases my ability to comprehend the vibrational scale & adjustments I would need to get there. Even if I don’t go through the entire journey in my lifetime, the pursuit itself is fundamentally will underlie my peak life experiences through the act of mindful living and meditation. At the very least, it is functioning as an analogy for, “shooting for the stars” where the lowest you can end up is on a cloud.
As a teacher, this means for me to experiment, explore, and give my best to those who wish to learn or work with me. While I am far from perfect & never will be, having access to spiritual transmissisons allows me to be a conduit for those who want to touch these vibrational states to verify the path for themselves. None of my teachers are perfect, and neither am I. Having touched these energies, I am able to better understand the causation of my actions & have an intuitive sense of structuring my life to ascend the vibrational scale of non-dual light. It is like if someone had never had an apple before. If you didn’t have access to apples, you would only have a mere description of it or other things that you could relate it to. If you’ve never had an apple before, you may not know what you are looking for. If you have have a teacher to show you , “ this is an apple, here is what it tastes like. Here’s what it feels like.” Then you can intuitively find yourself understanding it thenon.
For society at large, this makes me consider the possibility of allowing more people the opportunity to attain. While release from the burdens of life & attainment of subtler energetic states is the goal of many religions, society cannot function without individuals fulfilling different rules and functioning to sustain the paradigm. Requiring a governance & society 100% necessary, and it is a luxury of our historically very recent prosperity globally that many of us are able to consider alternatives individually. Unless we have some exponential progress in brain-interface technology in technical prowess and eocnonomical scalibility, it is improbable everyone will have the opportunity to attain the loftiest of states in human experience. Until that hypothetical scenario is achieved, the masses of people will not have the opportunity for self-actualization unless they can make themselves financially independent & place themselves in an enviroment ripe for practice (ie: a high-level practitioner’s community, a forest, the mountains, a cave).
Some of my leading questions for this challenging problem–– How can I provide frameworks for financial independence so that people can dedicate themselves more to practice? What can I do to make the information I receive around the process of self-realziation as simple & digestible as possible, so that a 10 year old in Spain who speaks English as a second language & my 85 year old grandma can understand? What can I do to get the least in the way of people’s progress as they gain momentum on their journey? How do I teach/share in the least hierarchical way possible, so that all connections with students are at the same level & as a round table? How do I stay within my ethics as to not teach what I don’t know, but remain open as a medium for new information to flow through? How do I through humility allow myself to make mistakes openly without allowing that to denigrate the perception of the teachings? How do I surrender aspects of my personality that are not in alignment with my ascention path?

This problem to me is one that is especially challenging, as it is a matter of balancing what I had planned in advance to the ever-adapting needs of the present. For me, it is a matter of my priorities shifting depending on my emotions (not what I want or who I desire to be.) While I may want to have six-pack abs and be able to bench 300 lbs, my priorities often gravitationally pulled to satiate my cravings for oreo iceream sandwich cookies & PB&Js. This is something I am working on this year in my meditation apprenticeship especially, as the practices I am doing require routine. I am moving towards the desire of spontaneity & novelty in the creation of things (writing, film-making, meditative states,) as opposed to the pure consumption of things (food, media, articles, books)
I have a poster written in the hallway of the house I am staying at. It states, “ will this make me emptier?” Being empty allows you to have room for something far greater, in the present.
Some question I ask myself in relation to this problem I am working on solving–– How is the actions I planned in advance different to the actions I’ve taken now? Are they in alignment with my goals/aspiraitons? What actions could I take instead?
I grew up being told by my parents I was “special.” Rather than seeing myself as special, I’ve later found it better to look at myself as “privileged,” since I was born in a first world country and have access to both opportunities & knowledge through the tap of my phone that my ancestors couldn’t have dreamed of. My generation, GenZ, has normalized teens & young adults who create unicorn companies that impact millions, if not billions of lives. So its only natural to believe that myself and others have the ability to realize that potential through offering something of value to the market.
On an esoteric level, I am very inspired by the Buddhist concept of Bodhisattvas. The idea is that on your path of enlightenment that you make values to be of service to all beings, animals & humans alike. It serves as a “non-self” ideal, meaning you take deliberate action in everything you do so that it collectively raises humanity at some level. If you are in Medicine, a research scientist, a software developer, or a representative at UNHCR, then you categorically fit into this concept in my views.
This doesn’t mean you or I need to figuratively impact seven billion people-–– it is more a matter of how we best serve people as many people as possible at the highest level we can sincerely do according to our chosen medium. A psychotherapist isn’t going to realistically see more than 5-6 clients a day without being utterly exhausted. A programmer at microsoft, however, is going to find that an algorithm update they make for bing search results is going to affect what millions of people see.
No we are going to get into more specific problems that I am personally very curious about. There are few reasons other than system corruption & logistical supply chain issues that mean we couldn’t keep the majority of the word with ample nutrients & water.
In the documentary Bending the Arc, you can see how a Medschool dropout helped establish 1000s of hospitals throughout Africa, affectively saving millions of lives.
With blockchain, supplies could be measured & thus managed,
For funding, having all funds for government spending & infrastructure could be measured/managed & spending could face the scrutiny of the general populace, thus ending corruption and allowing countries to grow the infrastructure needed to sustain a healthy & happy populace. In the long-run, it could help the illegitimate politician’s coffers as well by having higher GDP & purchasing power & thus increasing their own wealth. Sure, they would have to make some adjustments & perhaps temporary losses, but everyone benefits with the ending of corruption in the long-run.
The mors
This is an incredibly broad goal, because it is mean’t to encompass every single facet of global society that could be improved. Another challenge is that the assumptions require heavily state-involved solutions & reignforces global monopolization of power through Pax Americana.
I have created a hypothetical hybridization ideology of the Sustainable Development Goals and blockchain technology, since I have some faith in the ablility of centralization to have a big affect on people’s world efforts.
I created an app mockup called, SEVA, that introduces Gamification, local geographical elements, cryptocurrency, and a monetary system incentivized for people to to good for their local villages/cities through a gig-economy. The people in the most vulnerable economic regions of the world often don’t have the luxury to do anything other than survive and make a living for their families. I figured that if we could create a global cryptocurrency that was based off of labor, that could give people the freedom to do service work & be paid for it!
The idea is that people would be paid in crypto currency & that their geographical regions could also be tokenized & traded on, A lot like the NFT gamer guild Yield Guild Games is tokenized by its members. Imagine if people were playing Pokemon GO, but instead they were out & about serving their local community & being paid?In the Philiipines, many people who play Axie Infinity, a crypto video game, are making more than business managers and professors. Instead of playing a video game without utility outside its ecosystem, The idea is instead to have people leave their homes and do real-world work.
Here are some screenshots of that:
While I have minted a cryptocurrency before, I don’t think that has been the right time to execute on the app. Once I have a stronger base of support or if I gain a mysterious benefactor, I may pursue this project full-time & share that journey..
If you are interested in pursuing this project or one like it, please contact me.

This one is a bit more soft metaphorically
This isa more clear question on maximalizing peak experiences
This question is about grounding me with an environment that supports these types of lifestyle maximalizations.
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